I wanted to start this blog post by mentioning a tragedy
that has happened here in Orlando, Florida USA,
the place I now have called home
for 20 years now.
A person decided, with the most hate in his heart...
to go to a nightclub, Pulse, in Orlando and
kill at least 50 people and injured another 50.
This incident really bothered me and
I wanted to share a post that I made on my Facebook about this:
As I sit here with tears in my eyes for ALL people that have died
have been injured at the hands of someone that they don't even know,
whether by terrorist attack, serial killer, hatred of a people,
sickness, it pains me.
I cannot fathom how a gender, race, sexuality,
religion or
no reason at all can make someone take another human beings
that they have never crossed paths with.
How can there be so much
hatred in someone's heart?
I am not naive,
I do understan
that there is pure evil in the world...I get that.
I just cannot
understand how someone gets to that point of not caring
about another
ones life.
Unfortunately, I think of what was going through the minds
of the people that have periled hours before the incident.
Think of
their families and loved ones that they left behind
that now have a hole
in their heart.
Think of the families of the people that have
committed the hatred
and have to now live with something
that they did
not have anything to do with.
Please try to keep love in your heart
even when these atrocities happen around you
and not let it make you be
just like the immoral
with such hatred in their hearts.
I know it is
easier said than done,
but also know that there is good in the
don't let the number of humane, kind-hearted be suppressed by
don't let it win, keep fighting.
My love to you all and to all
that have been touched by such heinous acts.
I truly mean this to all of humanity and wish all of you that visit my little corner of the internet, nothing but peace and love.
So this week I was lucky enough to have a beautiful four-day weekend!
I had been looking and admiring a new (new to me) creation that
others are doing now...Bullet Journals or BUJO for short.
It fascinated me since these are the items I have around me at all times:
A Journal - I tried to write in it all the time,
but I think I got a week into it and let it go.
A Sketch book - I will sketch out different ideas that may hit me at times,
but so many times I sketch them out on a separate piece of paper.
An Idea book - I try and write down various ideas in here,
but it is never around me when I need it.
My Happy Planner - Now this I actually do keep up with.
I love having my contacts, birthdays, appointments and such in one spot,
and knowing what is coming up.
Then of course, stickers, washi tape and other supplies...
Not to mention the little planner that I threw to the curb after purchasing the Recollections planner that I also do use and keep in my purse for when I am not home (which is 12 hours a day M-F).
Oh look, I also found my monthly planner page
from the month of our Wedding back in 1995!
See, I even had a planner back then...
damn I always had this condition of being organized! UGH!!!
Anyway, I started to search out various videos, pictures and sites on Bullet Journals and was falling in love more and more.
This is what I need!
Somewhere to have EVERYTHING at my fingertips!
No rules, just what you want to do.
There is a website www.bulletjournal.com that started it all,
but of course everyone has put their spin on it.
So I purchased this cute little book thinking I will start in it
and as I figure out what I want to do, I can get a different one or keep on going.
I started messing with it on Friday, since I had a long weekend,
I now knew what to start the weekend off with creating!
So excited!
Then I added my year at a glance...still liking this idea.
Now on to the month at a glance...still having fun.
Then it hit me, I need a spot for my art ideas...
so I made a spread for it.
Then I thought, I need a cleaning tracker.
I do things each day, weekly, monthly and annually.
It would be great to have something at my fingertips to remember what to do.
After doing this...it hit me...
Now I will be starting a daily.
But...it's out of order to me...
I mean, how can I bounce around like that?
You have an index in the front of the book,
but I could not see myself referring to this each time I wanted to get to somewhere in my book.
My mind could not comprehend that I could not move the pages around.
I didn't want to bounce, I like having everything in its place.
What am I going to do?
So...this is what I came up with for me...
Yes, my old stand by...my Happy Planner.
But I tried fixing it up for it to work better for me.
I printed out a yearly calendar
I have my contacts...added a holiday calendar.
I then added to my weekly part some new pages.
Now these kraft pages are a work in progress...
I want to see what I use, what I don't and what I still may need.
So I did add an Art Ideas page and have already added to the list.
I also LOVE various quotes, so I added a quote page for me to add to.
I then added my cleaning trackers...and added lines so as the days go on and there are more items for me to remember, I can add to it.
Here are the month and annual trackers as well.
So as I have said, this is still a work in progress.
I like the idea of me being able to move things around to the week I am in.
I also love that I didn't have to purchase something more
and are using something I really do love using but needed to add to it.
I also have a bonus!
I found a hole puncher from back in the day (at least 10 years ago)
the I bought to use with discs...and it works for my Happy Planner!
Score!!! I didn't have to buy one!!!
So now when I figure what will work for me and what more I want to add...
as the days go on...
I can make pages that suit me and have them all in one place!
I know that this is not a Bullet Journal
and does not fit with the Bullet Journal criteria...
or maybe it does...
but all I know is...it works for me!!!
I hope I helped someone out with this and
gave some ideas for you to better organize.
I always feel that if I don't have it written down,
I totally won't remember it.
I also added (forgot to take a picture)
some sketch paper for me to draw things that come to mind...
so my sketch book has been added too!
Also, each day I have been writing items that have happened
as I wanted to journal...and remember why I am so grateful in life.
Take care and let me know if you have any questions at all.
I am so new at this and would love to walk you through anything that may help you along this journey, if you decide to do it.
I hope you enjoyed these creations...
and as always with all of the pictures on my blog...
you can always click on the pictures for bigger, detailed pictures.
would love to know if there is anything you would like to see on my
blog. Let me know if there is a specific item you would like to see
used, or a theme...or any suggestions you may have about what you have
I would love any feedback you may have whatsoever, just comment below.